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Li –Fi ( Light Fidelity): wireless Internet Technology

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Li –Fi ( Light Fidelity)

Li –Fi ( Light Fidelity)

LiFi is one type of wireless internet technology. LiFi technology has been developed that could provide a connection that’s 150 times faster than traditional wife technology. LiFi technology was developed by an Estonian start-up called Velmenni, who are currently trailing it in offices. At speed like this, albums, high-definition movies and even video games could be downloading in a seconds. This speed is down to the way I which it transmits data by using Visible Light Communication (VLC), data is sent between networks by LED Lights that flicker incredibly very fast.

Professor Harald Haas Pioneered LiFi Technology

German physicist, Professor Harald Haas, from the University of Edinburgh, pioneered the technology and coined the term LiFi in 2011, but this is the first time it’s been used in a ‘real world’ setting.