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Friday, 19 February 2016


A-Attitude- Have a positive one!!! Yes, I can do it. I will try.
B-Believe- In God and yourself. Self confidence gets you to places.
C-Courage-Don’t Run Away from problems faces them bravely.
D-Devotion- Calls for focused concentration and self-discipline
E-Enthusiasm- I surely will achieve my goals one day. Won’t that be great!!!.
F- Fun- Learn to enjoy each moment of your life. Even work and studies.
G- Goal oriented-Have well defined targets. Then give it your best shot.
H- Hard work- The more you put in, the closer you are to your dreams.
I – Improvement- Of skills. Hey I don’t stop practicing! Improve your self- worth.
J- Just does it- Have the killer instinct.  Be an achiever.
K-Kindness- Be caring and courteous, it always pays.
L-Learn-Absorb observe and connect. Read, read, read!!!
M- Motivate- Yourself every day. Never say it’s impossible or it’s so tough!
N- No- !!! Say no to those time wasting activities and yes to your goals
O- Observe- How successful people do things. Imbibe their ways and ideas.
P-Plan- Your future. You are going to spend the rest of your life there.
Q- Quit- Never! Winners never quit and quitters never win.
R- Relax- Meet your targets and then celebrate. Recharge your batteries.
S- Seek-Out opportunities and ideas. Often they slip away unnoticed.
T- Time- Value it. Utilize those 1440 minutes of each day productively.

U- Understand- the basic and concepts well. Don’t forget people!!!